The Rotary Club of Jersey is offering hands-on assistance to an environmental restoration project in St Ouen’s Bay
With a vision for environmental enhancement, the Jersey National Park has partnered with the Rotary Club of Jersey and the Environment Department on a programme of landscape restoration at La Mielle de Morville, a specially protected area of openly accessible landscape towards the northern end of the Five Mile Road.
Since July 2021, volunteers from the Rotary Club of Jersey have been assisting with a series of conservation tasks aimed at further improving, enhancing and retaining the areas natural character. The ongoing charitable work is complementing the improvements currently being carried out at the Frances Le Sueur Centre, the events and activity hub for the Jersey National Park.
One particular area being cleared of invasive plants and undergrowth is immediately adjacent to the Frances Le Sueur Centre. Once restored as an open space, a ‘forest school’ facility will be created for future environmental education purposes.
These regular joint conservation tasks are now being supported by a team of nine Jersey Scouts who, in 2023, will be representing the Island at the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea. By way of gaining financial support from the Rotary Club of Jersey, the scouts have all agreed to assist with the ongoing hands-on conservation tasks.
Mike Stentiford said: ‘For the past half-century, the ongoing improvements to this part of St Ouen’s Bay have become very much a part of the Island’s environmental history. Continuing with such sensitive conservation work has therefore become even more important in these days of environmental enlightenment. With a shared vision for further environmental enhancement, the collective partnerships of the National Park, the Environment Department and the Rotary Club of Jersey, bodes well for our west coast landscape and its biodiversity.’
He added: ‘While the steady spread of white poplar have been encroaching on many of the narrow informal footpaths, the invasive stinking iris plant has the bad habit of rapidly spreading in every direction if left unchecked. The welcome assistance so freely given on this ongoing restoration project is a classic example of how groups and charities can work together to improve and enhance an open area for the benefit of both the community and of biodiversity.’
Richard Romeril, president elect Rotary Club of Jersey, said: ‘St Ouen’s Bay is an outstanding natural environment for Jersey and supporting the environment is one of the key aims of Rotary. This area provides great open-air facilities for the community but is also important for many native species. Together with partners including the scouts, we can really make an important contribution to this site.’