All being well, this coming weekend (Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th June) the RJA & HS will be hosting its first ‘normal’ show for almost two years.
The last ‘in person’ show at the Royal Jersey Showground was held in October 2019 but during the pandemic the Society has hosted a series of ‘online’ and ‘remote’ shows which have proved extremely popular. This past spring you may have seen some of the flower and vegetable exhibits displayed in shop windows across St Helier.
But now, coronavirus restrictions permitting, the Early Summer Flower Show is back!
Exhibitors have been busy perfecting their entries and we can expect masses of pot plants, cacti, succulents & carnivorous plants, cut flowers and floral arrangements, fruit and vegetables, the ever-popular Children’s Classes, plus photography and cakes.
It’s a family fun day out with loads to enjoy – in addition to all the flowers, veg and more there will be a Children’s Bouncy Castle, tasty refreshments and local stalls to browse and enjoy.
Doors open from 10.30am to 5pm. Prize giving is at 4pm on Sunday, followed by the iconic RJA & HS Cake Sale, with all the proceeds going to local charity Community Savings, which this year celebrates its 25th anniversary. Entry – £5 for Adults, £3 for Seniors with Children & RJA & HS Members Free