There will be no Spring Concert this year for the Jersey Symphony Orchestra.
JSO musical director, Hilary Davan Wetton, (appointed late in 2019, but who has yet to conduct a concert in Jersey in this role) is not able to come to Jersey in April, when the Spring concert was due to take place.
Instead, it has been decided to run a Workshop on 9 April – the day when the Spring concert would have been held –- for as many local musicians as possible.
The Workshop will be led by Thomas Payne (who came many years ago to play in the orchestra as a very young but talented visitor while still a student). It will give all our talented musicians a chance to play together after the break of the last two years.
Any instrumental players of Grade 7 and over and 16 years and above, are asked to contact Alison Stewart at: ali.stewart@hotmail.com for more information or to apply by 25th March. More information can be found on the JSO website. – JSO.org.je
Sadly there will be no public performance.
Hilary Davan Wetton will be in Jersey here to conduct the Summer Concert on 6 August.
Because of Covid restrictions, there has been no JSO concert since its Christmas Concert in December 2019.