Zoe’s spring recipes
Readers of RURAL – Jersey Country Life magazine will know of Zoe Horne, our cookery writer and proprietor of the local company ‘Zoe’s Kitchen’. www.zoes-kitchen.com Here she gives us some more of her seasonal recipes: Pea & Mint Soup Light and fresh, the perfect soup for spring. Serves 6 1tbsp oil 2 shallots, roughly chopped 1 potato, […]
Le Noir Pre open to the public

Le Noir Pré, The Trust’s Orchid Field will be open to the public on Sunday 18 May, 2-4pm. National Trust staff and local botanist, Tina Hull, will be on hand to provide information on the orchids and the management of the wet meadow site. Le Noir Pré, is on Le Chemin de L’Ouziere which branches […]