Liberation International Music Festival – Bach B Minor Mass

ST THOMAS’ Roman Catholic Church in Jersey – often called the Island’s Pro-Cathedral… what a good location to hear Bach’s B Minor Mass. The music and the singing rose from the orchestra and performers like clouds of incense and at the end of each movement the music that had just ended seemed almost palpable, like […]

Skipton Open Studios

This year’s Skipton Open Studios celebration of Jersey’s artistic community will see an Island ambassador, heritage organisations, schools and a steamroller from Sark playing key roles in a variety of events. The mini-size steamroller is being put to a very unusual use by printmaker Kerry-Jane Warner at the launch of Skipton Open Studios 2014. As […]

£70m undersea power cable from Normandy

    The installation of Jersey’s third undersea electricity supply cable to France, known as Normandie 3, has got underway. The 7,000-tonne, specialist cable-laying barge, the Cable Enterprise, with a crew of 60, made the 32km journey to Longbeach in the Royal Bay of Grouville, along a precision route at the rate of approximately 50 […]

Normal service now resumed after short intermission

Caption: Media circus? THERE has been a short intermission to this service of news and opinion features relating to the rural and community life of Jersey. As they used to say on the television (and maybe still do – I haven’t really watched it since our own set was hijacked by our nine-year-old son – […]